The VilleVideo team is made up of youth artists attending Somerville High School. Using audio and video equipment, the team creates free promotional content for organizations local to Somerville. By learning, creating, and sharing, VilleVideo engages with the Somerville community to boost the signal of programs, events, and organizations in an attention grabbing and modern format!
Subscribe to the Ville Video YouTube page:
If you are interested in free promotional content for your organization, complete the Intake Form linked in the button below and send an email to villevideo@somerville-foundation.org upon submission.
TSF Youth Arts: Creative by Nature
Outdoor recreation leadership combined with creative expression to empower youth communication skills.
TSF Youth Arts: Youth Stream
Video games and alternative culture to build community.
Somerville Food Nation Celebration 2024
Marketing the first ever TSF Davis Square food festival!
TSF Youth Arts: Books of Hope
Open mics and workshops, paid fellowships and publishing assistance for young poets.